From 13 until 15 June 2023, the RAI Amsterdam will be home to the real estate show PROVADA. This year's theme is 'We can be heroes', and appeals to visitors of PROVADA for finding a new ecological, economical and social balance. In line with this theme, logistics real estate developer Panattoni and real estate association Dynamis join forces and organise a cocktail party on Tuesday, 13 June - to raise money for the Dutch charity Nationaal Fonds Kinderhulp. All proceeds of the party will go to Kinderhulp, and will be used to support young people between the age of 18 and 21 who live in poverty, trying to take a step towards an independent life.
Poverty and loneliness amongst young people is rising. In the Netherlands one in fifteen young people aged between 18 and 21 are growing up in poverty. That means 35,000 young people cannot support themselves mentally or financially to study, practise a sport or hang out with friends, because of a constant lack of money or debts. Panattoni and Dynamis - next to raising money - also want to raise awareness for this complex problem of poverty amongst children and young people, and the support Kinderhulp can offer.
A sustainable future starts with equal opportunities.
Every year during PROVADA, Panattoni and Dynamis have a stand next to each other. However, they do not only meet as neighbours on the show floor, but also in the way they do business - in a sustainable and socially responsible manner.
Jeroen Gerritsen, Managing Director of Panattoni Nederland: 'For us, a sustainable future starts with an inclusive future, with equal opportunities for everyone. One in fifteen young people live in poverty. This limits their options to participate in society in an equal manner. Do they have the opportunity to start building their future, or will they start their independent life with an enormous debt? Can they study or will they be forced to work to make ends meet? Kinderhulp offers support to these young people.'
Jeroen Kroondijk, Managing Director of Dynamis: 'Many young people living in poverty do not have the support of family or friends. They need to survive on their own from the moment they turn 18. They have grown-up bank accounts and responsibilities, but no grown-up income to fulfil these responsibilities. They cannot pay their monthly expenses or tuition fees. Let alone can they pay to furnish their home, with a table or a bed to sleep in.'
With the 'Cheers to the real heroes' cocktail party, Panattoni and Dynamis want to raise awareness and money for this group of young people who are determined to build an independent future for themselves.
'These kids are the real heroes for us', conclude Gerritsen and Kroondijk.
A networking cocktail party with an extra ingredient.
Visitors can expect an amazing party - not only due to the impressive track record of both Dynamis and Panattoni for organising great national and international networking events. This party will have an extra special ingredient: supporting Kinderhulp
Jeroen Kroondijk: 'On Tuesday 13 June - from 16:30hrs - we invite our partners and clients to a great cocktail party - with freshly mixed cocktails and other drinks, snacks and good music. Our guests will support Kinderhulp by scanning a special QR-code to transfer a symbolic amount to pay for their drinks. All money raised for the drinks will go to Nationaal Fonds Kinderhulp. They will use the money to help young people furnish their room or home, or contribute towards their studies. Visitors will find this QR-code on the party invite but also at our stands at the show. We do not only invite our partners and clients, every PROVADA visitor who would like to support Kinderhulp is invited. Our objective is to raise as much money as possible for these kids.'
Panattoni and Dynamis will present Kinderhulp with a cheque at PROVADA.
About the 'Cheers to the real heroes' cocktail party
Date: Tuesday, 13 June 2023
Time: 16:30 hrs
Place: PROVADA, Dynamis stand 31 and Panattoni stand 27 - hall 10
Over Panattoni Nederland
Panattoni Nederland ontwikkelt, realiseert en managet industrieel en logistiek vastgoed. Het is onderdeel van Panattoni Europe, dat op haar beurt onderdeel is van Panattoni Development Company Inc. Dat bedrijf werd 30 jaar geleden opgericht in de Verenigde Staten door Carl Panattoni. Tot op de dag van vandaag is Panattoni een privately owned familiebedrijf. Sinds de oprichting groeide de organisatie gestaag - in eerste instantie in de VS en Canada, maar later ook in het Verenigd Koninkrijk en Europa. Momenteel is Panattoni actief in vijftien landen. Panattoni is sinds 2019 prominent aanwezig op de Nederlandse markt. Naast het bieden van state-of-the art opslag- en distributiefaciliteiten biedt Panattoni aanpalende diensten, waaronder assetmanagement en property management. Duurzaamheid is - ook in Nederland - een speerpunt van de onderneming. Alle ontwikkelingen, hebben het BREEAM-duurzaamheidscertificaat. Zij zijn aardgasvrij en waar mogelijk is bij de ontwikkeling gebruik gemaakt van duurzame bouwmaterialen. Bij elke nieuwe ontwikkeling onderzoekt Panattoni het optimaal benutten van het zonnepotentieel van het betreffende dak.
Over Dynamis
Dynamis is al ruim 30 jaar een vertrouwde naam in de vastgoedmarkt. Als serviceorganisatie voor onze 13 locale vastgoedpartners zorgen wij voor ondersteuning op het gebied van research, kennisdeling, opleiding, marketing en acquisitie. Met 50 vestigingen en ruim 550 medewerkers opereren onze leden zowel landelijk als regionaal in de markt voor wonen, bedrijfsonroerendgoed, taxaties en financiële dienstverlening. De kracht van verbinding in een groep, gecombineerd met de expertise van onze individuele partners: dat is Dynamis. Daarmee zijn wij de grootste speler op de Nederlandse vastgoedmarkt die zowel lokaal, regionaal als landelijk werkzaam is.
Meer weten over Dynamis? Ga naar of bezoek een van onze aangesloten leden.