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Real Digital - Panattoni Park Cheb

The most environmentally friendly industrial building in the world according to the latest BREEAM 2016 New Construction standards



Cheb, Česká republika






Cheb South - Real Digital Real Digital - Panattoni Park Cheb

The most environmentally friendly industrial building in the world, which is flushed with rainwater, shaded by window blinds and whose surroundings are complemented by an insect hotel and an outdoor gym for employees, has been certified as the most environmentally friendly industrial building in the world according to the latest BREEAM 2016 New Construction standards. The project of the Panattoni industrial zone builder was the first in the Czech Republic to receive the Outstanding mark and a record score of 90.68%.


The project aimed to turn an old brownfield into a sustainable, employees-friendly, energy- and water-efficient industrial building surrounded by the biodiverse local plant species. Therefore, the Real Digital hall in Cheb was built in a modern way following the highest standards, paying special attention to the local environment and well-being of future employees, providing job opportunities in the area and offering storage space rentals.


One of the biggest environmental challenges was the implementation of the rainwater toilet flushing system, which was successfully implemented despite complications connected with the installation of the tank in the local area.  Another challenge was reuse of demolition materials which was carried out thanks to a detailed pre-demolition audit required by BREEAM and also changes in the project.  In general, the project team try to implement features for low-emission transport in each building which is sometimes a challenging task and this project was no exception. Yet, following the BREEAM requirements, it was decided to extend the city’s cycle path and connect it with the whole industrial complex.


Although it wasn´t easy to target the Outstanding level, this project was exceptional from the very beginning. To overcome the challenges of this project, the team decided to involve specialists, engineers and designers who helped to implement new technologies and procedures as well as to create a healthy environment for employees. There are many sustainable features incorporated in the building that are rather unique for industrial projects. Among others, it is the rainwater toilet flushing system, safe access for pedestrians and cyclists - a feature quite uncommon for an industrial building, outdoor resting space, gym, and canteen for employees. Furthermore, a healthy working environment is ensured through the use of materials, finishes, and fittings with low levels of TVOC and formaldehyde emissions, excellent acoustics with low noise levels, large openable windows in the office areas, and thermal comfort features.

As for the external areas, vast parts are used for growing various local plant species and for installation of habitat – a beetle loggery. The great emphasis placed on waste management resulted in over 90% of waste from demolition and construction being diverted from landfills. Concrete and bricks were sorted and crushed to the required parameters directly on the construction site by using special crushers. The experienced company then tested materials and most of the demolition waste could become a building material again. The installed system for rainwater reuse within the toilet flushing system was designed in cooperation with experienced designers and engineers to overcome problems with tank installation in this area. In collaboration with an expert in physiotherapy for office as well as warehouse workers, equipment for an outdoor gym was installed.

  • First Outstanding BREEAM International 2016 New Construction achieved in the Czech Republic.
  • The final best score in the world was achieved in BREEAM International 2016 New Construction: Commercial, Industrial scheme.
  • The daily consumption of drinking water has been reduced by an amazing 83,88 % referred to the baseline thanks to the installed rainwater flushing system.
  • Primary energy consumption has been reduced by 55,61% referred to the baseline.
  • CO2 emission rate of the building has been reduced by 57,88% referred to the baseline.
  • About 12% of installed materials have ISO 14001, BES or FSC certificates.
  • Over 90% of waste was diverted from landfills during construction.
Cheb South - Real Digital

For the first time in Panattoni's 15 years in the Czech Republic, one project has won a total of 5 annual industry awards! This project is the robotic fulfillment center that we completed for Amazon this year in Panattoni Park Kojetín.

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Cheb South - Real Digital

The most environmentally friendly industrial building in the world according to the latest BREEAM 2016 New Construction standards

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neska needs a new logistics centre for the safe storage of hazardous materials. Panattoni accepted this challenge and efficiently implemented the task on a brownfield site with sustainability aspects and individual technical requirements in mind.

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Panattoni Park Cheb - Tchibo

BTS distribution centre in Panattoni Park Cheb, which serves online customers from the CEE region and the southern part of Germany. The total rentable area has reached 102,000 sqm. The premises became the 2nd largest logistics hall ever constructed in the territory of the Czech Republic.

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