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  • Panattoni sets the green agenda once again by becoming the first industrial developer to set BREEAM ‘Excellent’ as its standard
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Panattoni sets the green agenda once again by becoming the first industrial developer to set BREEAM ‘Excellent’ as its standard

European industrial market leader Panattoni has become the first developer in the sector to introduce BREEAM certification at the ‘Excellent’ level as the standard for all its new facilities.




To date, Panattoni has built 5,7 million sqm of space that has qualified for green certificates and tops the rankings for sustainable industrial construction. This includes the first BREEAM ‘Excellent’ certificate in the Polish industrial sector – for Panattoni Park Sosnowiec I – to add to having developed the most sustainable industrial building in Europe: Panattoni Park Cheb in the Czech Republic, which has an ‘Outstanding’ rating.

It’s very good – and it’ll be great! Panattoni is once again setting green trends for the industrial real estate sector by implementing its ‘Go Earthwise with Panattoni’ sustainable development concept. Starting from now, all the developer's newly built facilities are to be BREEAM New Construction 2016 certified at the ‘Excellent’ level. The buildings will have to score at least 70% when individually assessed in ten categories. “That's as much as 15 pp. more than the required level for BREEAM ‘Very Good’ certification, which shows that our already very high standards will now be raised significantly in terms of care for the environment, the climate and the local community, as well as the comfort of the buildings’ users,” claims Robert Dobrzycki the CEO of Panattoni. “We are ready for this. We have already achieved the first ‘Excellent’ certification in Poland and more are pending,” he adds.

From a revolution to the new standard. The foundations for adopting this new standard were already laid by the company six months ago. In April 2021, it became the first industrial developer in Poland to obtain BREEAM ‘Excellent’ certification for a new project: Panattoni Park Sosnowiec I, where it has achieved a 46% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions compared to the base value, as well as a reduction in water consumption by 66.5%. The developer is currently seeking BREEAM ‘Excellent’ for another complexes, including: Panattoni Park Zgorzelec, Park Wrocław S8 South, Panattoni Park Poznań West Gate, Wrocław Campus 39 and Panattoni Park Siedlce – with a total area of ​​more than 500,000 sqm. 

Even closer to people and the environment. By increasing the sustainability of its buildings, Panattoni is focusing even more on the well-being of their users, such as by providing improved facilities for the disabled. The office sections, together with enhanced acoustics and increased access to daylight, will also undergo a thermal comfort analysis. For each new Panattoni project, an air quality plan is to be prepared resulting in the installation of a mechanical ventilation system designed to minimise the concentration and recirculation of pollutants. Panattoni will also expand the range of environmental features throughout the entire investment process – especially during the construction phase – to reduce CO2 emissions from vehicles, with the additional benefits of compliance with an EPD (Environmental Product Declaration). This reduction in emissions will be aided by an analysis of the life cycle of each facility prior to its construction. Panattoni is also raising that the standard of the systems designed for reducing drinking water consumption – both through the use of leak detection systems, waterproofed fittings, rainwater collection installations, and the creation of more green areas with local vegetation and flower meadows that do not require frequent watering.

A green portfolio years in the making. Last year, Panattoni announced the launch of its ‘Go Earthwise with Panattoni’ sustainable development concept. This involved the introduction of a new standard for façades, as well as a number of sustainability and well-being measures, resulting in at least BREEAM ‘Very Good’ certification for each new project. However, the company has been developing green buildings for some time. In Poland, the portfolio it has built up over the years now includes ​​ 5,5 million sqm of certified and pending in the industrial space. This is more than half of all the green space in the sector across the country. In addition, the developer was also responsible for the most sustainable industrial facility in Europe – Panattoni Park Cheb, which has been awarded BREEAM certification at the ‘Outstanding’ level, with a record result of 90.68%.

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Robert Dobrzycki of Panattoni to be honoured with the CEEQA award for Lifetime Achievement in Real Estate

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