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Uložiť nastavenia Prijať všetky

BTS Via Pharma / Dr. Max

A dedicated facility near Pavlov in Central Bohemia for the Czech-Slovak company ViaPharma, which provides distribution primarily for the Dr. Max pharmacy network.



Pavlov, Česká republika




23,000 sqm


CZ-viapharma BTS Via Pharma / Dr. Max

The building with an area of 22,900 m2 to let includes a warehouse, offices, social amenities and a pharmacy. Total investment in real estate and technology exceeded one billion crowns. ViaPharma has signed a 15-year lease agreement at Panattoni Park Prague Airport II.


The assignment from ViaPharma required finding storage and logistics capabilities not only in the specific Prague-West location but also taking into account the required timing and arranging the necessary modifications and technical equipment of the halls and offices with respect to the client's operational needs. In the end, the client chose the option of having a customised hall built since none of the existing ones met its requirements.


The goal of the project was to adapt the speculative construction that was already under construction to the specific needs of ViaPharma. The state-of-the-art project is exceptional not only by the size of investments but also by technological means to ensure the operation of the pharmaceuticals distribution center. The building is a fully automated warehouse for pharmaceutical products which have high requirements for maintaining controlled temperatures to ensure the quality of storage and appropriate distribution procedures. The building has controlled cooling and consists of sections with different temperature modes. The construction and operation of the building are in accordance with the requirements of the State Office for Drug Control.  Part of the distribution center is a pharmacy and a part is dedicated to the distribution of Dr. Max e-shop.

Green Friendly solutions

  • All materials have been chosen with respect to their sustainability potential and impact. Materials from ecological sources have been preferred. About 12% of installed materials have ISO 14001, BES or FSC certificates. Many materials have Environmental  Product Declaration.
  • All external and internal lights in the hall and the administrative part are LED.
  • In order to ensure good quality of the indoor air, the level of volatile organic compounds (VOC) emitted from internal finishes and fittings have been measured and comply with  BREEAM requirements.
  • Thermal comfort study has helped to optimize well-being of tenants.
  • Primary energy consumption has been reduced by 63,27%  referred to the baseline.
  • The CO2 emission rate of the building has been reduced by 68,9% referred to the baseline.
  • All energy in the building is accurately measured on a secondary basis, which provides not only an immediate overview of consumption and potential equipment failure but also allows tenants to pay only for the actual energy consumed.
  • The refrigerant charge has been minimized to protect the environment in case of equipment failure.
  • Oil separators collecting rainwater from all maneuvering and parking areas were installed to minimise pollution to watercourses.
  • Energy-efficient external lighting is designed to minimise upward lighting and reduce light pollution.
  • Great emphasis was placed on the treatment of waste. The focus was on recycling and reuse of materials to minimise the amount of waste disposed of in landfills.
  • The Site Waste Management Plan was implemented on the construction site to minimise the amount of waste in general and to maximise the share of recyclable waste streams with 89,16% of waste diverted from landfills.

For the first time in Panattoni's 15 years in the Czech Republic, one project has won a total of 5 annual industry awards! This project is the robotic fulfillment center that we completed for Amazon this year in Panattoni Park Kojetín.

Zistite viac Všetky prípady
Cheb South - Real Digital

The most environmentally friendly industrial building in the world according to the latest BREEAM 2016 New Construction standards

Zistite viac Všetky prípady

neska needs a new logistics centre for the safe storage of hazardous materials. Panattoni accepted this challenge and efficiently implemented the task on a brownfield site with sustainability aspects and individual technical requirements in mind.

Zistite viac Všetky prípady
Panattoni Park Cheb - Tchibo

BTS distribution centre in Panattoni Park Cheb, which serves online customers from the CEE region and the southern part of Germany. The total rentable area has reached 102,000 sqm. The premises became the 2nd largest logistics hall ever constructed in the territory of the Czech Republic.

Zistite viac Všetky prípady

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