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A Cookie-k fenti célokra történő felhasználása az Ön Személyes Adatai kezeléséhez kapcsolódik. Az Ön Személyes Adatainak Adatkezelője: a Panattoni Development Europe sp .z o.o., székhely: Varsó (00-844), Plac Europejski 1, bejegyezve Varsóban, a Varsói Fővárosi Kerületi Bíróság által, az Országos Bírósági Nyilvántartás, XII. Kereskedelmi Divíziója vállalkozói nyilvántartásába, a következő számon: KRS szám: 0000310363, NIP szám: 5252437526. Egyes esetekben, cégünk partnerei is eljárhatnak Adatkezelőként. További információkat a cégünk és partnereink által használt Cookie-król, valamint Személyes Adatai kezelésére vonatkozóan, az Ön jogait is beleértve, cégünk Adatvédelmi Szabályzatában találhat.

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A Cookie-k használata az Ön Weboldalon folytatott tevékenységére vonatkozó Személyes Adatai kezelését is magában foglalja. További információkat a Cookie-k cégünk és partnereink általi használatára, valamint adatai kezelésére vonatkozóan, az Ön jogait is beleértve, cégünk Adatvédelmi Szabályzatában találhat.

A feltétlenül szükséges Cookie-k

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Működési Cookie-k

A működési Cookie-k emlékeznek rá, és az Ön korábbi választásaihoz igazítják a Weboldalt, pl. nyelvi preferenciák. Ön beállíthatja úgy saját internetes böngészőjét, hogy a feltétlenül szükséges vagy működési Cookie-k megjelenésekor azokat blokkolják, vagy Önt értesítsék, ez azonban azzal járhat, hogy a Weboldal egyes részei nem fognak megfelelően működni.

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  • Panattoni joins the fight against coronavirus – PLN 500,000 worth of supplies going to three hospitals
Sajtóközlemények CSR



Panattoni joins the fight against coronavirus – PLN 500,000 worth of supplies going to three hospitals



Panattoni joins the fight against coronavirus – PLN 500,000 worth of supplies going to three hospitals

Panattoni, market leader in industrial real estate in Europe, has allocated PLN 500,000 to buy medical supplies for three hospitals. Institutions in Poznań, Białystok and Szczecin were chosen in consultation with the Ministry of Health. As part of the aid, the developer will provide medical masks, nitrile gloves, non-contact thermometers and packs of medical caps.

Support for those most in need. Panattoni joins the fight against coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) and delivers aid where it is most needed. After consulting with the Ministry of Health, the developer has chosen hospitals which need support most urgently. PLN 500,000 worth of medical supplies will go to three healthcare institutions: Szpital Kliniczny im. H. Święcickiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego im. K. Marcinkowskiego in Poznań (Teaching Hospital of the Poznań University of Medical Sciences), Białostockie Centrum Onkologii im. M. Skłodowskiej-Curie (Białystok Centre of Oncology) and Samodzielny Publiczny Wojewódzki Szpital Zespolony w Szczecinie (Regional General Hospital in Szczecin). In total, the developer will supply 100,000 medical face masks, 200,000 nitrile gloves, 300 non-contact thermometers and 100 packs of medical caps. Panattoni bought the supplies from one of its customers.

The purchase of medical supplies by Panattoni is described by Robert Dobrzycki, Chief Executive Officer Europe, Panattoni: “The coronavirus is particularly dangerous for hospital staff, who work on the front line of the pandemic. That is why help from many directions is necessary. We are providing the necessary supplies because we want to offer our support, but also because we want to show how thankful we are to the heroes who expose themselves to a Covid-19 infection on a daily basis by helping those in need”. He then goes on to add: “Our priorities were to provide top-quality supplies to the institutions with the most urgent needs. The consultation with the Ministry of Health and engaging in collaboration with the industry leader enabled us to fulfil both these objectives.”

Providing PLN 500,000 worth of supplies is not the first measure undertaken by Panattoni in support of medical staff during the SARS-CoV2 outbreak. The developer is also involved in a joint initiative of the real estate sector #property4heroes. It is an acknowledgement of the hard work and sacrifice on the part of doctors, nurses, paramedics and support staff. The #property4heroes initiative is planned to go on for two months. In this time, approx. 40,000 meals will be delivered to 11 institutions nationwide.

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Panattoni announces its third project in Portugal, a development of more than 34,000 sq.m in Santarém

The new project will be certified with BREEAM 'Very Good' and will have direct access to the A1 motorway. It is already 50% leased by a local logistics operator

Panattoni drives its expansion in Spain and Portugal with an investment of €590 million by 2024

Panattoni consolidates its leadership with important investments and expansions in Iberia, closing 2023 with more than 320,000 sq. m of built surface area in that year and with a projection of 140,000 sq. m to be developed this year.

Ready for new construction: Celebratory kickoff for the Panattoni Park Cologne II

Successful demolition party on the former Ford site

Panattoni Breaks Ground on First Project in India

Panattoni, one of the world's largest industrial real estate developers, announced the groundbreaking ceremony of Panattoni Park NH71 in Delhi NCR. This project will be a state-of-the-art, environment-friendly and a Grade A warehouse park that also marks Panattoni India’s strategic entry into the Indian market.


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