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  • Panattoni BTS Action with the highest score at the Excellent rating level among Polish investments of this type to date
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Panattoni BTS Action with the highest score at the Excellent rating level among Polish investments of this type to date

Panattoni, the leader in the industrial real estate market in Europe, boasts yet another investment with a high score in the framework of the BREEAM certification rating. The Action company’s recently opened distribution centre in Bieruń near Tychy has scored 77.1 points in the Excellent range.




Panattoni, the leader in the industrial real estate market in Europe, boasts yet another investment with a high score in the framework of the BREEAM certification rating. The Action company’s recently opened distribution centre in Bieruń near Tychy has scored 77.1 points in the Excellent range. It has been the highest score at this level for an investment of this type in Poland so far. Such a high score can be attributed to the range of solutions employed in the areas of water usage, energy and waste (Outstanding level) as well as project management and ecology (Excellent level). Owing to these solutions, CO2 emission has been reduced by 26.6%.

Economical BTS. Panattoni BTS Action is a modern logistics and distribution centre located in Bieruń belonging to the Action company. The total area of these recently opened premises is 60,800 sqm and comprises mostly of storage space. Action runs a chain of non-food discount stores, where it sells interior design, sports, office and gardening products etc. The building constructed in the BTS formula has been tailored to the specificity of the client’s company and has just scored 77.1% at the Excellent level in the BREEAM rating.

It has been the highest score among all the certified premises of this type in Poland to date. The building in Bieruń owes its high score mostly to the solutions leading to savings in water and energy use as well as waste management. The solutions employed have scored highest (Outstanding) in these areas. They have helped reduce the use of water in the building by as much as 60.78%, the use of energy by 24.3% and the emission of CO2 by 26.6%. The maximum reduction of energy use, emission and environmental impact in the whole life cycle of the building has been confirmed by the results of the Building Life Cycle Analysis: 89,3%, explains Emilia Dębowska, Sustainable Development Director in Panattoni.

Three times Outstanding. The building has received the maximum score (100% and the Outstanding level) in the Water category. The savings of 60.78% in comparison with the average usage model were made owing to such elements as, among others: low-flow urinals and toilets, shower and washbasin faucet aerators, electro valves cutting off water in the rooms with no users or a waterflow monitoring system preventing leakages. The actions taken also included water retention and drainage. In the area of the investment, native vegetation accustomed to the amount of precipitation occurring in the region and not requiring additional watering was planted.

As far as energy is concerned (score: 88%, level: Outstanding), the following solutions have been implemented in the building: energy saving LED lighting, external lighting control by means of an astronomical clock and movement sensors as well as an energy management system optimising the costs. The building also utilises passive solutions for thermal comfort maintenance, free colling solutions and solar panels enabling the reception of clean energy from the sun. As a result, the annual savings of primary energy amount to 37.2%.

In the Waste category, the investment has scored 86%, which is also at the Outstanding level. What is significant, 100% of all the waste has been recycled. The building and its surroundings have also been prepared for long-term climate changes and severe weather phenomena by e.g. proper choice of materials used. Moreover, a Building Adaptation Strategy supporting functional changes has been created. Its aim is to reduce the amount of construction work necessary to expand or change the function of the building and thus prolong its expected life span.

Panattoni’s green standard. BREEAM certification at the Excellent level has been the new standard for all construction projects delivered by Panattoni since September 2021. Over 3.6 million sqm submitted by the developer to date have already been awarded the certification and another 1.1 million sqm is currently being assessed to receive the Excellent level. It is the highest level in the industry in the Polish market and guarantees the delivery of projects in accordance with the ideals of sustainable development.

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Emilia Dębowska has been promoted within Panattoni and will be responsible for sustainable development across all of Europe

Panattoni is taking an active approach to the increasing demands of sustainable construction and ESG regulations. Emilia Dębowska has been promoted to the position of Head of Sustainability Europe. In her new role, she will be responsible for Panattoni’s integrated sustainable development strategy encompassing both the company’s business goals and the development of its projects in Europe.

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Robert Dobrzycki of Panattoni to be honoured with the CEEQA award for Lifetime Achievement in Real Estate

Robert Dobrzycki, CEO & Co-owner Panattoni Europe, UK, Middle East and India, honoured with the CEEQA award for Lifetime Achievement in Real Estate. The award is for sustained and significant contribution to the growth and investment appeal of the sector.

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Clarion Partners Europe purchases Panattoni Park in Voerde

Sustainable logistics park scores with trimodal connection

Emilia Dębowska has been promoted within Panattoni and will be responsible for sustainable development across all of Europe

Panattoni is taking an active approach to the increasing demands of sustainable construction and ESG regulations. Emilia Dębowska has been promoted to the position of Head of Sustainability Europe. In her new role, she will be responsible for Panattoni’s integrated sustainable development strategy encompassing both the company’s business goals and the development of its projects in Europe.

Robert Dobrzycki of Panattoni to be honoured with the CEEQA award for Lifetime Achievement in Real Estate

Robert Dobrzycki, CEO & Co-owner Panattoni Europe, UK, Middle East and India, honoured with the CEEQA award for Lifetime Achievement in Real Estate. The award is for sustained and significant contribution to the growth and investment appeal of the sector.

Panattoni expands into Middle East with launch of operation in Saudi Arabia

Panattoni, the largest logistics real estate developer in Europe, announces its expansion into the Middle East with the launch of an operation in Saudi Arabia.


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