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Eco-News Artikel



Our development standards

The "Go Earthwise with Panattoni Strategy" is a new standard in investment execution - friendly to the environment, employees, and local communities.




All newly build parks are to be BREEAM certified "Excellent".  As a result, future facilities are to meet even more stringent requirements in terms of environmental and climate protection as well as when it comes to caring for the local community.

Energy efficiency

Go Earthwise with Panattoni green strategy has helped cut energy consumption by more than half and reduce power thanks to the following advanced solutions:

  • energy modeling in compliance with BRE standards
  • building management systems – from simple to advanced solutions such as BMS building automatics
  • complete meter systems and energy monitoring systems
  • heat recovery from technological devices and recuperation in air handling units up to 80% of heat
  • higher U-value
  • LED lighting with a dynamic control system
  • solar panels on the roof for heating water
  • PV installations



Water-saving features

Potable water is necessary for life and all businesses should manage it wisely. That is why Panattoni’s actions help achieve savings amounting to 6,000 liters of water per day for a 20,000 sqm facility such as:

  • management and monitoring systems,
  • electric valves
  • water collecting devices with a high water savings coefficient
  • large-scale rainwater management - from sanitary ware and fixtures to watering green areas
  • greywater systems
  • plants adapted to local weather conditions
  • meadows replacing lawns requiring watering
  • stormwater infiltration/detention improving the condition of groundwater and reinstating natural water circulation in the environment



One of our good practices of responsible business involves the health and wellbeing of occupants of our investment projects. That is how we support our clients in implementing their wellbeing policies – satisfied employees are 43% more productive and 86% more creative. The staff’s wellbeing helps drive down absences caused by medical reasons by 36% and reduces staff turnover rate to 26-61%. Our support includes:

  • urban transport and its infrastructure within easy reach
  • dedicated transportation
  • enhanced access to natural light in the facilities
  • limiting light glare
  • enhanced office acoustic insulation
  • interior materials in accordance with ISO-1600-9
  • intelligent flat roof automatic control systems
  • mineral wool instead of PUR foam
  • water treatment plants
  • cycling infrastructure
  • green areas around offices and chill-out zones with outdoor gyms


Good practices benefitting ecology and environment above all minimize negative impacts of businesses. That is why Panattoni’s green policy helps reduce CO2 emissions by 230 tons per year for a facility of an area of approx. 10,000 sqm.

  • facility designs reach beyond the building form itself and consider carefully the wider impact on the surrounding area
  • buildings’ life cycle analyses
  • carbon footprint reduction – the policy of energy savings, water savings, and transportation solutions
  • a white roof membrane that helps prevent heat buildup by 50%
  • land ethics based on existing resources
  • leaving the land ecologically active
  • environmental wildflower meadows
  • replacement planting three times bigger vis-à-vis standards
  • native plantings
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Emilia Dębowska has been promoted within Panattoni and will be responsible for sustainable development across all of Europe

Panattoni is taking an active approach to the increasing demands of sustainable construction and ESG regulations. Emilia Dębowska has been promoted to the position of Head of Sustainability Europe. In her new role, she will be responsible for Panattoni’s integrated sustainable development strategy encompassing both the company’s business goals and the development of its projects in Europe.

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Robert Dobrzycki of Panattoni to be honoured with the CEEQA award for Lifetime Achievement in Real Estate

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Clarion Partners Europe purchases Panattoni Park in Voerde

Sustainable logistics park scores with trimodal connection

Emilia Dębowska has been promoted within Panattoni and will be responsible for sustainable development across all of Europe

Panattoni is taking an active approach to the increasing demands of sustainable construction and ESG regulations. Emilia Dębowska has been promoted to the position of Head of Sustainability Europe. In her new role, she will be responsible for Panattoni’s integrated sustainable development strategy encompassing both the company’s business goals and the development of its projects in Europe.

Robert Dobrzycki of Panattoni to be honoured with the CEEQA award for Lifetime Achievement in Real Estate

Robert Dobrzycki, CEO & Co-owner Panattoni Europe, UK, Middle East and India, honoured with the CEEQA award for Lifetime Achievement in Real Estate. The award is for sustained and significant contribution to the growth and investment appeal of the sector.

Panattoni expands into Middle East with launch of operation in Saudi Arabia

Panattoni, the largest logistics real estate developer in Europe, announces its expansion into the Middle East with the launch of an operation in Saudi Arabia.


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