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  • Panattoni completes its fifth project for K-Flex in Uniejów and is now set to begin another 33,000 sqm extension



Panattoni completes its fifth project for K-Flex in Uniejów and is now set to begin another 33,000 sqm extension

European industrial real estate market leader Panattoni has just completed its fifth project for K-Flex in Uniejów in central Poland. In March, the developer also signed a new contract for the development of an extension of K-Flex’s production campus. This will be its sixth building and is to have an area of 33,000 sqm.




European industrial real estate market leader Panattoni has just completed its fifth project for K-Flex in Uniejów in central Poland. In March, the developer also signed a new contract for the development of an extension of K-Flex’s production campus. This will be its sixth building and is to have an area of 33,000 sqm. The total area of K-Flex’s facilities in Uniejów will thus reach 100,000 sqm. This will allow the company, a leading producer of thermal and acoustic insulation materials, to service the growing needs of its construction clients in Europe, Asia and the USA.

A fruitful collaboration. K-Flex Polska, a global producer of flexible thermal and acoustic insulation materials, has decided to add another stage to its BTS complex in Uniejów. In March, just after the completion of the fifth building (6,500 sqm), the company signed another contract to further extend the campus with a sixth building of 33,000 sqm. This will be delivered in Q1 2023, bringing the total area of the BTS project for K-Flex in Uniejów up to 100,000 sqm.

Construction work is to start soon on the new warehouse, which will be located on a plot on the other side of the complex. This will allow the company to expand further in the future. The new facility will serve as a logistics centre for K-Flex’s entire Uniejów complex. It is also being developed to obtain BREEAM certification at the ‘Excellent’ level. Its ceiling height will reach 15m, while its roof will be designed to hold photovoltaic installations, among other uses.

“We are very pleased that K-Flex has once again put its trust in Panattoni. In our eight years of cooperation, we have delivered almost 66,000 sqm of both production and warehouse space for our client in Uniejów. The signing of this latest contract confirms that the projects completed so far have proven their value. I’m sure that the latest one will also be to our client’s satisfaction and will enable K-Flex to streamline its activities and tailor them to meet its customers’ exact expectations,” says Marek Foryński, BTS Director of Panattoni.

The advantages of Uniejów. The building that has just been handed over to K-Flex is a high storage warehouse with an area of 6,500 sqm. Its increased height of 15m will provide greater support for the company in terms of the rising level of production within K-Flex’s Uniejów complex. This will enable the company to meet the needs of construction clients across three continents. The goods produced by the business within the complex are destined not only for Europe, but also the USA and Asia (including South Korea, Vietnam and Malaysia).

According to Marzena Tkaczuk of Panattoni, the location is ideal. “Uniejów, where K-Flex’s complex continues to grow, is just 50 km from the geographical centre of Poland. Its location in the central part of the country, around 10 minutes’ drive from the A2 motorway, provides easy access to key markets in both Poland and Europe, including Łódź, Warsaw, Poznań and Berlin,” she adds.

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