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BTS for DHL Estée Lauder Companies - Panattoni Park Cheb

The built-to-suit project is located within the Panattoni Park Cheb. The new warehouse is a showcase of modern technologies and ecological solutions.



Cheb, Česká republika






Panattoni Park Cheb – DHL for Esteé Lauder Companies BTS for DHL Estée Lauder Companies - Panattoni Park Cheb

12.4 m

height of the hall


BREEAM score

 In addition to an extremely comprehensive automatic conveyor belt, voice control and 3D scanners, it includes low-power LED lighting with intelligent control or proximity sensors that automatically dim the lighting of aisle-free aisles. Heating, air conditioning and ventilation functions are optimized.


The DHL distribution center, which will serve the American cosmetics manufacturer Estée Lauder Companies, needing smart technologies and innovative solutions in the field of sustainable development.


The new warehouse offers an array of modern technologies and environmentally friendly solutions. DHL lays much emphasis on the use of new technologies, which simplify working processes and make them easier for employees: for example, retrieval of stored items by voice or leading-edge security controls. The new distribution centre is included in the GoGreen environmental programme, a global initiative by Deutsche Post DHL, whose ultimate goal is to reduce CO2 emissions to zero by 2050. The most advanced sustainable-energy measures are designed as part of the new distribution centre and include the use of economy LED lights or intelligent control systems reducing light and energy emission.

During the construction of the DHL distribution center for Estée Lauder Companies in Cheb, the developer recycled 99.74% of the waste. The energy intensity of the hall is 76% lower than with ordinary industrial properties. The interiors are illuminated by LED luminaires with motion sensors. Panattoni Europe also significantly supported low-emission transport as part of the project - it built a shelter for bicycles, reserved part of its parking spaces for car-sharing and helped to improve the connection of the industrial zone to public transport and a new bus stop.

Industrial hall DHL Estée Lauder Companies is designed as a single-storey hall with a rectangular ground plan with basic dimensions of 110 x 400 m. The height of the hall is 12.4 m to the edge of the attic. The hall consists of administrative, sanitary cores and technical built-in parts. The load-bearing construction of the hall is designed as a prefabricated concrete frame. Roof is built from prefabricated concrete trusses. The facade of the hall is made of panels with thermal insulation based on mineral wool. Construction started in June 2017 and it was finished in May 2018. Hall DHL Estée Lauder Companies has created more than 300 jobs with additional seasonal jobs.

Green solutions

The building has received the final BREEAM certificate on level Excellent in July 2018 with scoring 78,2 %.

Great emphasis was placed on reducing water consumption. Not only because of the greenery installed does not need irrigation, but also the daily consumption of drinking water is about 63 % lower than the reference industrial building.

Based on the energy modeling 73 % of primary energy consumption has been saved.

Great emphasis was placed on the treatment of waste focused on recycling and reusing of materials in order to minimize the amount of waste disposed of in the landfills. In total, 99,74 % of all waste generated during the construction process has been diverted from landfills.

The unique system of "Car sharing" advantages carpooling on the way to and from work. Marked parking places only for cars using carpooling are located in front of the building. 63 from 149 parking places is integrated into the car-sharing system. For convenient car-sharing notice, a board is placed in the common area of the object. This way building occupants contribute to the reduction of CO2 emissions from road traffic associated with the operation of the building. There is also improved public transport in the area to transport employees to the work and even more reduce the CO2 emissions from transport.

Landscape greenery emphasis was placed on using native species as well as low maintenance and low water consumption. A greenery layout provides space for unique stone habitat for amphibians provides shelter for small animals in the shape of the Avon logo for fighting breast cancer.


For the first time in Panattoni's 15 years in the Czech Republic, one project has won a total of 5 annual industry awards! This project is the robotic fulfillment center that we completed for Amazon this year in Panattoni Park Kojetín.

Přečtěte si více Všechny studie
Cheb South - Real Digital

The most environmentally friendly industrial building in the world according to the latest BREEAM 2016 New Construction standards

Přečtěte si více Všechny studie

neska needs a new logistics centre for the safe storage of hazardous materials. Panattoni accepted this challenge and efficiently implemented the task on a brownfield site with sustainability aspects and individual technical requirements in mind.

Přečtěte si více Všechny studie
Panattoni Park Cheb - Tchibo

BTS distribution centre in Panattoni Park Cheb, which serves online customers from the CEE region and the southern part of Germany. The total rentable area has reached 102,000 sqm. The premises became the 2nd largest logistics hall ever constructed in the territory of the Czech Republic.

Přečtěte si více Všechny studie

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